Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm going list...

I leave tomorrow.  For a creative art week.  At the Mabel Dodge Luhan House.  Sas Colby is our guide, instructor, creative mentor.  Here's the workshop description.  The week is much more than the description.

I've attended many times before (so lucky, I know).  Being able to drive and just toss everything I need into the back of the car and not worry about packing and shipping is a blessing.

Plus, Sas encourages us to explore what we want to explore: creative instruction, a boundary pusher.  This year - I'm ready for the ledge again.  This year's ledge: Paint.  Not the itty bitty stuff I have been playing with.  Not the gentle, cute stuff.  (oh wait, there may be a rabbit.) This time - paint, on a canvas (I bought one big-ish canvas) and have several smaller ones.

My list for Studio in the Sky 2012:
1. paint.
2. large.
3. acrylics.
4. feel the color.
5. #takeamoment to #enjoythemoment
(hash tag speak for Take A Moment to Enjoy The Moment)
6. Read list - at least daily - on iPhone.

Thanks for the list idea Kim and Xanthe (BTS Guides).


  1. I am so jealous. It sounds extremely awesome!!

  2. Oh my gosh - you are going to have a wonderful time! It sounds incredibly relaxing and therapeutic to get away and paint. I hope you'll post your finished project. And details of the workshop, of course. Have fun!

  3. it does sound great, have a lovely time!


welcome - and thank you for taking a moment to comment - enjoy your day! Renee