Sunday, July 8, 2012

Being honest

Week 2 continues - BTS Class

The Over-ruler (that would be the left brain) says "photograph the wide open spaces, the older, the flowers."  That is what people "like."

I grew up in the wide open spaces of fields and trees that Kim photographs.  That is my internal home-spot.  I haven't lived in that space in a very long time.  And, I'm ok with that.  I live in suburbia.  Modern day.  All is new, or just recently aged.  Cookie cutter.  I'm good with the convenience.  Our house and yard (not so cookie cutter) - love the space.

But - my photos - well, always searching for how to block out the power lines, street signs, houses, asphalt.  Or, I need to drive to the city and capture the older, the breaking, the rusted. Trying to make my photos not live where I live.  How silly is that?  I mean, really.

this morning - the Challenger - who seems to speak and wake me at 4:14 AM - said, "Get out of bed and photograph YOUR landscape.  Go.  Now.  You'll loose the light.... "

So, I hauled myself out of bed, threw on some dark colored clothes (somehow it seems wrong to take photographs at 5:00 AM wearing a pink shirt), grabbed the camera, and drove to the top of a 3 story parking garage where I catch the train and did some photo exploration.  

Being honest with my photos and myself.  A beginning.


  1. I love that 4:14 a.m. Mine is not a "challenger" but it does have a name, Scout, along with heavy breathing and a wet nose, and he is very regular at 4:30 a.m.

  2. Hi visiting you from BTS. I felt the same yesterday too when I stepped out, what seems so familiar to us might be interesting to someone else. So don't worry, urban is great I love urban but live on the outskirts of town in the country. Though it was 9am not 4.14 that was dedication. BTW I love your header and title see you on the road x

  3. I like this shot a lot and I love your about me change. I have just done my photo walk!

  4. The light is gorgeous in this shot....well worth the effort of dragging yourself out of bed :)

  5. I love this image you captured...and I love every word of your post. I relate completely to wanting to "get away" from my normal living space to take photos.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yes Yes Yes - my exact thoughts here re: photos and looking around for inspiration - just got to find it on the asphalt :) I LOVE this photo and can't wait to see what else catches your eye - inspiring!


welcome - and thank you for taking a moment to comment - enjoy your day! Renee