Saturday, July 28, 2012

Class samples. ASCP

Annie Sloan chalk paint (ASCP) class last night. My experimenting color choices: Barcelona Orange, Old Ochre. Decision time today: what to paint? Using what colors? And which technique? Decisions, decisions.

Oh, and I need to catch up with BTS or pay for the extension.

Too many ideas. Not enough weekends!

3 techniques below, all with wax applied. Clouded Stipple, two-color exposed, one-color rustic.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

I'm taking a class tonight featuring - Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  Not from Annie, but from a nearby store that sells her paint.  So, so, SO excited.  I've painted a couple of things already, but now I'll get to learn some tricks of the paint and wax - expanding my knowledge of creative ways to use this incredible paint.  "Why incredible," you ask? No sanding or stripping involved - just get painting!  My kinda painting...

Here's Annie's blog.

And there are lots of pinterest photos, too - search on Annie Sloan.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Contour drawing

Internet speed here is v e r y s l o w. not able to watch videos for class so I will catch up once I return.

Still life contour drawing follows. Each day a few more of the abc's of drawing. Tomorrow sketching at the Rio Grande early in the morning. Sketch model in the afternoon. So excited!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm going list...

I leave tomorrow.  For a creative art week.  At the Mabel Dodge Luhan House.  Sas Colby is our guide, instructor, creative mentor.  Here's the workshop description.  The week is much more than the description.

I've attended many times before (so lucky, I know).  Being able to drive and just toss everything I need into the back of the car and not worry about packing and shipping is a blessing.

Plus, Sas encourages us to explore what we want to explore: creative instruction, a boundary pusher.  This year - I'm ready for the ledge again.  This year's ledge: Paint.  Not the itty bitty stuff I have been playing with.  Not the gentle, cute stuff.  (oh wait, there may be a rabbit.) This time - paint, on a canvas (I bought one big-ish canvas) and have several smaller ones.

My list for Studio in the Sky 2012:
1. paint.
2. large.
3. acrylics.
4. feel the color.
5. #takeamoment to #enjoythemoment
(hash tag speak for Take A Moment to Enjoy The Moment)
6. Read list - at least daily - on iPhone.

Thanks for the list idea Kim and Xanthe (BTS Guides).

Thursday, July 12, 2012

From sketch to sketch

Moving to more free and spontaneous. Driven to this because of lack of time. And a touch of diminished patience waiting for perfect to arrive. Maybe actively seeking more fun and less stress enters in there, too.

Note: posting with my iPhone for the first time. Not sure of the order of pictures and words. More discovery than perfect. Perfect is so highly overrated. Hey, I'm liking that.

Pressing Publish. A small "gulp" among friends.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oh Voice, Voice - where are you?

hmmmm - assignment: finding your voice.  List ten things.  Reduce it to 3 or 4.

  1. happy
  2. sarcastic
  3. funny thinking of combining into sarcastically funny
  4. in touch with me
  5. photo - of what?  is it about the photo?
  6. The adventure
  7. Rolling with life
  8. How much is too much?
  9. What to share?
  10. POSITIVE (hearing my friend Lucie)
  11. I don't want to be naked, but I do want to share.
Then I read Everyday Glimpses post on this assignment and decided I needed a second list about Bringing the Brave Out.
  1. Baby Steps
  2. or a giant leap (we all know "the net will appear")
  3. It is about the adventurous journey.
  4. "The creative mind plays with the objects it loves." - Carl Jung (in an email today from The Happiness Project (link below)
  5. Be Renee (from The Happiness Project)
P.S.  I reserve the right to change, scrap and re-create at any time.

Photo: I think it is from the Chicago Art Museum.  The words are mine.  Starting to keep my eyes peeled for this light strand.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Practically Ingenious

In front of the
Behind The Scenes (BTS) class.

Practically ingenious instagram moment :-)
Hi Kim!  Hi Xanthe!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Being honest

Week 2 continues - BTS Class

The Over-ruler (that would be the left brain) says "photograph the wide open spaces, the older, the flowers."  That is what people "like."

I grew up in the wide open spaces of fields and trees that Kim photographs.  That is my internal home-spot.  I haven't lived in that space in a very long time.  And, I'm ok with that.  I live in suburbia.  Modern day.  All is new, or just recently aged.  Cookie cutter.  I'm good with the convenience.  Our house and yard (not so cookie cutter) - love the space.

But - my photos - well, always searching for how to block out the power lines, street signs, houses, asphalt.  Or, I need to drive to the city and capture the older, the breaking, the rusted. Trying to make my photos not live where I live.  How silly is that?  I mean, really.

this morning - the Challenger - who seems to speak and wake me at 4:14 AM - said, "Get out of bed and photograph YOUR landscape.  Go.  Now.  You'll loose the light.... "

So, I hauled myself out of bed, threw on some dark colored clothes (somehow it seems wrong to take photographs at 5:00 AM wearing a pink shirt), grabbed the camera, and drove to the top of a 3 story parking garage where I catch the train and did some photo exploration.  

Being honest with my photos and myself.  A beginning.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The About Me Update

Ok. I updated my About Me profile, the beta version.  Pretty much "winged it."  I usually labor over such things, dotting the i's and crossing the t's.  Memories of the teacher's red pen on writing assignments haunt my pushing the "publish" button.

Also trying to bend the BTS class content from "how to have more readers for your blog and maybe make some money" to be more low-key.  "Among friends" meeting after work approach, not about the possible-customer sort of thing.

Enjoying having the information from Kim and Xanthe.  Just making sure I apply it to my current, small goals.  Keep it simple.  Find some additional friends.  Expand my learning.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The crow & dog moments

on the way to photograph two horses
to sketch later,
I happened upon two morning moments at the pond:

crow with bug 
(didn't realize it was a bug until I downloaded the photo)
eww, but very interesting.

two swimmers, one runner

wasn't expecting the dog,
but there you have it.

BTS Focus.
modified my header a bit.  
added mission statement.

will probably change the whole thing.

learning is like that.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Why

The BTS "Why I take online photography creative classes" - because it is the for creatives. My "real life" friends (RLF), while they get and support me, are not the type who sigh when they see a beautiful photo or frantically dig in their purses for their phones to snap a quick pic or will only buy a purse if the Sony a55 fits comfortably inside .  I love them all, and couldn't live without them, but I play-play-play online.

My "Oh, I get it" story:  Three years ago, I decided, rather than try to bake cookies, nuts, bread, etc. for our holiday exchange I would take a photo, photoshop it up for the holidays and frame it for my friends.  After Christmas, I received wonderful thank you notes for the lovely frames.

This cracked me up, gosh did I laugh! They all were so sweet and a bit mortified when I later told them that the gift was the photo already in the frame.  In a way, it was kinda nice because they thought my little photo was the one that was in all the picture frames at Target.  It was really sweet, seeing the world through their eyes.  It still makes me smile.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The mission

Mission statement:

(drumroll please)

a world simply viewed

yep, that's it. 
 Like many things,
it came to me on an early morning walk,
a few steps after snapping this guy, 
courting the sunflowers,
at the break of day.

another ta-da moment
wishing I had on my pink sparkly tutu....