Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Timeline

My Parallel Lives
Responsible & Creative

Gotta have both.
Trying to find balance - daily.

There have been lots of classes - Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain, a wonderful "camp" for Creatives in Taos, quilting, online classes (many, many).
And meeting wonderful peeps along the way. Oh - and learning.  Love learning.

Timeline note:  There is supposed to be lines going up on the orange side, and a separate line going up the green side.  No time to "fix it up."


  1. Love your parallel timeline. Never occurred to me to include my work life--if feels so unrelated to my creative life except for my last job in Marketing. Nice work!

    1. Hi Lissa. Yes, my work life is totally unrelated to my creative life. Sometimes I try to tell myself that adding color to excel charts is creative and helpful to people as we try to explain the numbers.


welcome - and thank you for taking a moment to comment - enjoy your day! Renee